The Music
Wars by TED speaker David Pogue are one of my favorite TED
Talks presentation. Although very short it was very informative if someone
never new there was a music war going on.
Music and the music business as a whole is my passion. I am consumed by
the very nature of everything it is endured by. This TED Presentation was very
interesting, as stated before this was a short presentation. Short but very
creative. David Pogue the presenter , made a song explaining at that time
period the initial start of what is now known as the “music wars”. He played
and used the instrumentals “Piano Man” and “Y.M.C.A.”. David sang about the
ability to download songs and watch movies thanks to Steve Jobs, and how the
corporations were worried about TV ratings dropping. These companies ended up
making an agreement with Apple in providing TV episodes ad free to Apple’s end
users. The second portion of the song sang about how the R.I.A.A. (Recording
Industry Association Of America) coming down on consumers who downloaded music
illegally and the fear that the music industry will plummet with the lack of CD
sales. Now in hindsight of everything, well, they were correct. This
presentation was done in March 2007. Fast forward to now September 2015 there
are statistics showing the drop in CD sales and Download sales but a new lane
has been created. That lane , well you guessed it , the “streaming lane”. A new
revenue source for the music industry, a source that is not stable and started
another faction in the music war. The STREAMING WARS.
This presentation invokes
the determination that I personally have in having a unified structure that can
revive the music industry. A lot of it really lies upon what the majors deem
appropriate, I would like to have a system that work for both sides of the
music streaming industry. I would love to see what David Pogue who is a New
York Times tech columnist say about the “music wars” now since its been eight
years he has spoken on the subject. There is room for change and chance to save
and bring back the glory of the music industry as a whole.